You can apply again for the Winemaker of the Future scholarship!
The current winner of the Future Winemaker Scholarship for the academic year 2023/2024 was announced at the Winemaker of Winemakers Awards Ceremony on 27 April, and we have already opened this year’s scholarship programme to give students more time to prepare their essays.
For the 2024/2025 academic year, a call for applications has been drafted to offer an even wider range of students the opportunity to apply. From this year onwards, Master’s students, students in higher education vocational training and correspondence students will all be able to apply.
The stakes are high and the winning bidder will win these:
- the title of “Future Winemaker” for one year
- financial support of HUF 1.000.000,- gross for the internship abroad
- a harvest at a Winemaker of Winemakers or Winemaker of Winemakers candidate
- a ticket of honour to the Wine Conference and the Champagne Conference
- invitation to the Winemaker of Winemakerss’ Gala and the results ceremony
Winemakers of the Future - Our scholarship holders

Takács Réka
2021-ben Takács Réka nyerte alapítványunk ösztöndíját.

Novák Szonja
2019-ben Novák Szonja nyerte alapítványunk ösztöndíját.